We take all complaints seriously and are committed to resolving them in a timely and professional manner. We understand that there may be instances where content posted on our platform may be illegal or violate our Standards, and we encourage our users to report any such content. Our policy is designed to ensure that all complaints are promptly reviewed and resolved.
How to make a complaint: If you have a complaint about Swing Asia (including any complaint about Content appearing on Swing Asia or the conduct of a User), please send your complaint to [email protected] including your name, address, contact details, a description of your complaint and, if your complaint relates to Content, the URL for the Content to which your complaint relates.
Reporting Illegal or Violating Content:
Users can report any content that they believe is illegal or violates our Standards by contacting us at [email protected] Our team will review all reported complaints within seven business days.
Review and Appeals Process:
Upon receipt of a complaint, our team will conduct a thorough investigation and make a determination regarding the validity of the complaint. If the complaint is found to be valid, we will take the necessary steps to remove the content or take other appropriate action. If the complaint is found to be invalid, we will communicate our decision to the user who reported the content.
If a user disagrees with our decision, they may appeal the decision by contacting us at [email protected] We will review the appeal and make a final decision within seven business days.
Potential Outcomes of Investigations/Reviews:
The potential outcomes of any investigations or reviews may include the removal of the content, the suspension or termination of the user’s account, or other appropriate action.
We are committed to providing a safe and secure platform for our users. We encourage users to report any content that they believe is illegal or violates our Standards, and we will review all reported complaints within seven business days. We also provide a clear review and appeals process, as well as potential outcomes of any investigations or reviews. If you have any questions or concerns about our Complaints Policy, please contact us at [email protected]
Alternatively you can use the contact form below to report content or make a complaint.